How Occupational Therapists treat patients
Occupational Therapists assess and treat patients with physical, mental or cognitive disorders to develop, recover or maintain self-care and community living skills. This includes helping patients achieve functional independence, adapt their environments, modify a task or learn new skills.
They also assist with:
Concussion management
Functional capacity evaluations for people needing cognitive assessments
Daily living difficulties related to cognitive challenges.
Assessments (cognition, function)
Education and adaptive strategies (including aids)
Occupational therapy appointments can vary depending on the issues and treatment. We treat a wide variety of people and conditions, and are flexible to your needs. Call us for more information about what to expect at your appointment.
Our OTs can support you with:
Child development (Fine and Gross Motor Kills)
Chronic fatigue
Concussion and brain injury
Dementia and memory loss
Learning disabilities
Mobility (Equipment prescription, fall prevention)
Making your home safe and accessible
Managing chronic pain
Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Returning to school and work
Stress management
Sleep and fatigue
Stroke recovery
Workplace disability