Our Practice

PhysioPlus started out as Riverfront Physiotherapy and was in the downtown core of Whitehorse since the mid-90s. In 2006, the clinic was relocated up to the Canada Games Centre and was renamed PhysioPlus. The name alteration was due to the increased multi-disciplinary nature of the business and the location change. The co-owners of the clinic are Thane Phillips and Mandy McClung.

As a business, our core values help shape how we interact with our clients and fellow staff daily.

  1. People first
  2. Deliver quality care
  3. Serve the Yukon
  4. Pursue growth and learning
  5. Embrace and drive change
  6. Support excellence
  7. Build open and honest communication
  8. Constant awareness of client and staff needs
  9. Be passionate and humble
  10. Nothing is impossible


Canada Games Centre

200 Hamilton Blvd, 300
Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 0A6

(867) 668-4886


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