Frequently Asked Questions
At PhysioPlus, our physiotherapists are highly educated, licensed health care professionals who are dedicated to helping their patients get results.
Is treatment at PhysioPlus covered under Yukon Health Care?
No, PhysioPlus is a private clinic and so is not able direct bill the Yukon government for physiotherapy services done at the clinic. But there are some exceptions with Seniors Health maybe covering some equipment such as custom fit orthotics or knee braces with a physician referral.
What should I bring to my first appointment?
Please make sure we can access the part of your body that you want help with. If it's a shoulder injury we appreciate a tank-top for women that shows the shoulder blade area. If it is a hip or knee injury please bring along a pair of shorts. We have spare shorts and shirts for people who forget to bring their own, but we can't guarantee that you will like the colour.
Does PhysioPlus require a doctor's referral in order for the client to receive services?
No, is the short answer. Physiotherapists like to work closely with your physicians, but a referral from your family doctor is not necessary. The longer answer is that some extended health plans, and WCB may require a referral before they will fund or provide reimbursement for your treatments. It is important to check with your extended health plan beforehand.
How long will my appointments take?
Your initial assessment can last up to one hour or longer and appointments after that will take anywhere from 20 minutes to one hour.
Will my extended health plan cover Physiotherapy?
Most benefits packages will cover Physiotherapy treatments. The extent of coverage varies with each individual policy. Please check with your insurance provider.
How many treatments will I need?
Every condition is individually evaluated, based on the person and severity of their condition. Your therapist will advise you on an appropriate treatment plan after the initial assessment.
What is the cancellation policy at PhysioPlus?
24 hours notice is required for all cancelled appointments. We reserve the right to charge for treatments and assessments not attended or cancelled on short notice.
Canada Games Centre
200 Hamilton Blvd, 300Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 0A6
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